Parked by the side of the B6259 opposite Hazelgill farm, followed the Pennine Bridleway, zigzagging under the railway line up to High Dolphinsty. Detoured north to Little Fell and back again. Then south, moderate climb to The Nab and various scars on the ridge. Spent quite a bit of time going to the various cairns on the summit, unsuccessfully trying to judge which was highest. Then to High White Scar to photo the strange cairns, followed The Band staying south of the fence, descending then ascending to Swarth Fell, then continuing south to Swarth Fell Pike. Cut down east, then south of Smithy Gill to meet the B6259. Returned to car along road, the hard flat surface something of a relief after the springy, boggy grassland, although many attractive PFs presented themselves. On the way was passed by a cavalcade of some 50 or so tractors of all shapes and sizes, possibly returning from a protest or event, exactly what, I do not know.