
0.9 mi to summit

1.4 mi total


1,710 ft start


250 ft gain


40 min to summit

55 min total

I made it to Mt. Arvon on my last trip to the area, so instead of torturing myself and the jeep going to Mt. Curwood, I decided to climb up this 2nd highest county HP / state park HP. The first half was a pleasant trail walk. When the time came to really hike uphill... behold! The state park people have built a "those not in shape" wooden stairs and walkway to the lookout and observation tower. No scrambling needed lol. After climbing the tower for the NW to NE view of Superior, I whacked through the woods to the highest spot I could find although there were no views there. Then it was on to the MN state HP.

Route to summit

Tower Trail



Key gear

GPS device