
13.5 km total


100 m start


1,080 m gain


7 hr 5 min total

I parked on the lane by Michael's Nook at NY 34084 08418, where there is room for 2-3 cars. Taking the lane up between houses to the open fellside, I took the zig-zag path up through the bracken to the embedded boulder at the end of the south-west ridge of Great Rigg, which Wainwright appears to describe on the fourth page of his chapter on Stone Arthur in Book 1 of his Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells. However, his drawing on the same page makes the position of his summit unclear, so I continued up the rocky ridge, visiting each knoll, until the ridge expired in grassland. I continued up over High Rigg onto the Fairfield plateau, visiting the highest point. A steeper decent south-east over more rugged terrain brought me to the col below Hart Crag. Some fifty metres up on an eroded path, and I was on the north summit of this fell. A recent high accuracy survey was unable to differentiate between the northern and southern cairns of the fell at 823.1m, so I ensured I visited both. I then retraced my route back over Fairfield and Hart Crag, continuing along the Rydal ridge to scale to the summits of Rydal Fell and Heron Pike. A steep pathless descent followed to Alcock Tarn, and then a rugged path down to Greenhead Falls and back along the lane to the car. Solo.

Some sunshine at first, but high cloud built during the day, well above the summits. No rain, but hot and sultry, with a listless easterly wind.

Buzzard, ravens, wheatears; toad; Red Admiral and Painted Lady butterflies.

Route name

From Grasmere



Key gear

trekking poles, GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip