
1.3 km to summit

4.5 km total


905 m start

981 m max


113 m gain


37 min to summit

2 hr 32 min total

Drove to Benalla and down to the Mount Samaria State Park. Drove around to the eastern side of Peak 974 m and parked. Walked up the track initially and then bush bashed up the slope and around to the peak. Set up and activated VK3/VE-140, making 24 contacts. packed up and started back along the walking track, which was hard to follow in places. Picked up the track after losing it and travelled a little way before I realised something was up. Checked my position and back tracked and then followed the track back to the car.
Drove down to Mansfield and then towards Jamieson and then to Goughs Bay and up onto Stillman Plateau. Parked near teh high point and set up the radio gear to activate VK3/VE-174, making 24 contacts. Packed up, returned to the car and drove back to Mansfield and on to Benalla and back to Wodonga.

Route to summit



no info yet

Key gear

no info yet

Other peaks climbed on this trip