
2.9 mi to summit

5.3 mi total


712 ft start

2,034 ft max


1,450 ft gain


1 hr 22 min to summit

2 hr 10 min total

Took an early evening hike up Squak Mountain with the intent of summiting all three peaks - West, Central, and the South East peaks. Made it up to the West and Central peaks before deciding to head down due to the waning daylight. The West Peak has remnants of some structure - maybe a small cabin. The fireplace is there in all its glory, and the Central Peak in addition to the microwave communications tower has some old cabin near it as well with a large. old propane tank. Maybe a former residence of the tower keeper or other old homesteader. Trails are super well marked with signs at each juncture. I help a couple who was turned around and set them on the correct path to the state park trailhead off of the May Valley road. Lots of beautiful setting sun rays casting light through the trees and moss, setting off a beautiful golden brilliance to end the evening.


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