
1.5 mi to summit

3.9 mi total


3,759 ft start

5,310 ft max


1,839 ft gain


2 hr 33 min to summit

5 hr 55 min total

No sign of previous visitation; we left a register. The spire is really a thin fin, with 200 per cent grade on east side; we found one exposed route with 1-2 class 4 sections, and did one 35 foot rap to avoid exposed sections on way down.
I swear this wasn't stalking! Bob and I had discussed the route. Then Walt called to say he would be in town on Feb 14th, and would be up for an FA!

Addendum: My perception of what is class 4 may be slightly skewed. There are some traverses on this route that require no special skills, except knowing what to trust, and those traverses are truly scary.


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