
10.5 km to summit

16.1 km total


311 m start

1,003 m max


1,054 m gain


3 hr 30 min to summit

5 hr 40 min total

Not the usual way up remote Sgurr Mor, a big day however you do it. A good route if you enjoy the cycling, plus you get spared driving the Strathan road switchback and take full advantage of excellent old stalkers paths and bridges over all rivers.

Start 1020h + Finish 2005h = Total 9h45, 47.5km, ascent 1675m
Cycle in 2h15, 15.7km, ascent 355m, descent 185m
Walk 16.1km, 5h40, ascent 1135m
Cycle back 1h35, 15.7km, ascent 185m, descent 355m

Summits today:
SGURR BEAG - Hump, Simm, Submarilyn, Corbett Top, Yeaman

Parked at Poulary NH133014 2km west of Tomdoun (just room for a car or two where the forestry road begins). Cycled up isolated Glen Kingie switching to foot at path junction NN008963. ***DO NOT miss the left turn off downhill to Lochan ruin where you leave great forestry trails behind and take a deteriorating track instead*** Otherwise bimbling straight on in someone else’s cycle tracks eventually dumps you pathless in a forest swamp. Oops! To regain track I just managed to ride/slide a boggy forest fire break downhill under gravity over very rough steep extreme ground.

Plumped to walk clockwise; no rush to get to height today given cloudy, showery conditions weren’t due to clear till later. The path up Glen Kingie’s pretty good then an excellent stalkers path sneaks NE all the way up Sgurr Mor. Only downside this direction is it’s a long way before you summit anything! Up on the ridge the sun came out on cue affording great views of Knoydart with Sgurr na Ciche prominent. Bumped into a couple of backpackers which is another good way to tackle these remote hills.

Descended Corbett Fhuarain’s grassy east ridge making fast pathless progress. The natural lie of the land had a curious way of leading you towards slabby crags and cliffs, forcing me to correct course hard south a few times to avoid. Coming up this way would be a slog and either way be careful here in mist.


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