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Staying at Fort William. Weather forecast not so good – thought there might be better weather to the west so drove to Loch Morar. Solo. After ascending Torr na Ba went to end of road at Bracorina and parked there. Walked up path that goes to Stoul. At NM733928 headed NNW. I could see ahead the prominent top where the highest point of Sgùrr Bhuidhe lies. It seemed impregnable with its vertical southern cliff. Got to the minor top lying at 726944 from where it didn’t seem to be quite so impregnable. That is indeed the case and the highest point is easily gained on the NW side. Took in Cruach a' Mhadhaidh-ruadh on the descent. Only a few drops of rain and good visibility.

Route name

From Bracorina and SSE


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