
4.2 km to summit

12.0 km total


1,650 m start


570 m gain


2 hr 45 min to summit

5 hr 50 min total

This was the 5th peak of a walk to 6 peaks in the Wildschonau area of the Austrian Tyrol. We went by bus from our base in Niederau to Auffach, then up new lift to Krinjoch. A v hot day with sun and clouds. From the top of the lift we walked over 3 easy summits, Schatzberg 1903m, Hahnkopf 1902m and via a small lake to Gern 1852m. There are unbroken views of the Gr Galtenberg 2424m which lies further up the valley, together with the surrounding Wildschonau peaks. We descended again before ascending to the steeper summit of Joelspitz 1964m. After a short break we continued SE and dropped to another col, then up the steep sided Saupanzen 1956m, for good views around the Wildschonau peaks and our final peak of the day - Lampersberg, which lay ahead. Unfortunately there is an ugly telecoms mast on the summit of Sauzenpan. We then descended to the Niedersattel col before the long ascent to the summit of Lampersberg 2202m. Here we enjoyed good views, before hurrying back the same way to our start point, but avoiding the summits of 3 of the peaks to catch the last lift down.