
2.3 mi to summit

4.8 mi total


2,836 ft start


825 ft gain


1 hr 3 min to summit

2 hr 15 min total

Parked at the Morgan Trailhead to begin the hike. I followed LPC hiking directions, which seemed somewhat confusing on paper but clearly made sense once I got out there on the trail. The first left turn (which is unmarked) was critical for getting on the right path. Once that left turn was verified and completed, I found the trail was well marked the rest of the way. I enjoyed a cool cloudy day in the Santa Ana Mountains, because I know first hand how hot it gets up here in other times of the year. There are a few false summits along the way but the true summit is reached in about 2.4 miles from the start.

Route name

Morgan Trail and San Mateo Cyn Trail


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