Hot, hard hike. Drove up Saddleback Mountain Rd. until I came to the sign that threatens arrest if you drive past the sign. Seeing no "no parking" signs before the sign, I decide that my legs did not count as vehicular traffic so I parked and walked up the road. Near the end of the road but before the radio station, the Tras Berg Eagles Scouts have developed a lovely trail that leads up to Parsonage Lot Town Forest. The trail is very well cut in the beginning and there is no need for trail markers. Halfway there is a large pine that has fallen across the trail. On the other side of the pine is a mountain brook. It was dry so no splash break for Maverick. Poor guy. After the mountain stream, the woods thin out into mostly pines. Trail markers begin to appear. Follow the orange arrows up to Parsonage town lot. Its about a mile from where you park. Saddleback has three humps at the top and Parsonage is not the highest peak. The peak is about a half-mile of bushwacking away. The trail to the peak is faint. You have to descend down one gully and up a hump then down another much steeper gully and up the final hump to the summit. There are no views of anything but the trees and rock of the mountain. It is 1.7 miles from where you park to the summit with an elevation gain of 774'. Yellow flies and horse flies were awful.