
3.0 mi to summit

4.7 mi total


624 ft start

1,263 ft max


876 ft gain


2 hr 0 min to summit

2 hr 33 min total

A challenging hike bagging all three of these peaks. Persistent, steep incline up Roaring Mountain. Trail clearly marked. No view from that peak. Moved on to Mount Toby, again, a gradual but persistent incline up the wide dirt road, quite a workout. Climbed the fire tower at the summit of Toby, stunning views of Pioneer Valley and surrounding hills. Headed down the steep side of Mt. Toby (northeast), wouldn't really want to go up that way. At trail intersection with a bench kept going straight (east), bushwhacking a ways to the summit of Ox Hill. I bushwhacked a longer route down to hook up with a southerly trail, probably should have just gone back the way I came. This is a great hike, good way to bag three peaks and get a great workout.

Route to summit



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Key gear

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Other peaks climbed on this trip