
2.6 mi to summit

7.1 mi total


3,249 ft start

3,771 ft max


1,420 ft gain


1 hr 26 min to summit

4 hr 49 min total

We parked in Bootleg Canyon, near the 4x4 road up to the aeronautics/radio tower and Black Mountain Overlook. We hiked down a 4x4 road and to the wrong powerline/pole road, traversed over to the *correct* pole road, then followed that up to the saddle between River Mountain Peak and River Mountain Benchmark. We went up the ridge from the saddle to River Mountain Benchmark. From there we traversed the ridgeline down and up and down and over another pole road and back up and up again to Peak 3620', which is apparently named ChEd Peak? Or so one of our hiking companions today said. I'm not inclined to dispute him. The ridgeline was full of crappy, loose rock. Bleh. Lots of slipping and sliding. Considering my bruises from yesterday's fall, I wasn't pleased at my slipping and sliding (although I didn't fall again, thank goodness). Paula ran up and joined us on the second peak, which was a welcome surprise! From 3620'/ChEd peak, we traversed due south/west-ish down the ridgeline to return to a powerline road, then cut across desert to find the 4x4 road that would take us back to the cars.


routefinding, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

skis, GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip