
3.4 mi to summit

7.1 mi total


8,615 ft start

10,392 ft max


2,304 ft gain


1 hr 5 min to summit

2 hr 4 min total

With snow on the horizon next weekend I made the trip over Guardsman Pass to Brighton for some ridge running. OMG what a run. Incredible running along the ridge from Preston to 10321 to Pioneer and Sunset. Apart from a very short talus section, a lot of this ridge is quite runnable. Turned down and ran back to Brighton base via the lakes. With more time could have easily extended the run to hit Point Supreme, Tuscorora, Wolverine or any of the rest of the peaks on the East side of the WURL. The terrain and scenery in upper Big/Little Cottonwood is just crazy good.

Route name

Pioneer Peak 7.1 mi route


snow on route

Key gear

GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip