
0.0 mi to summit

12.8 mi total


6,423 ft start

6,967 ft max


4,240 ft gain


40 min to summit

GPS got 5300' gain. Long day, 12 people! Thanks to Joel for constant good humor. Now for Pincushion Pinnacle -- please don't do this alone. I conferred with Bob C, and we concluded the current crux move on the N side is definitely harder than 5.2-- it is overhanging. I've done this 4x free, and peeled off once. We think it might be easier to climb directly up the from the saddle on what might be called the NW buttress-- it's been done by Dustin W, rate 5.6. Two people with a rope, which could be used to top-belay the second, would make more sense. I took down the rope I had placed 8 days ago and the N side, as I do not want to encourage people to try that route. There is still a 4000 lb bs dyneema (extra UV coat) short sling at the N-side tree, with a quicklink.


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