
5.6 km to summit

14.5 km total


1,178 m start

1,927 m max


786 m gain


1 hr 39 min to summit

3 hr 59 min total

After walking the circuit of Las Brañas de Caldas in the morning, it was obvious there was a beautiful line to this summit from the track which heads north-east from the roadhead at Balneario de Caldas, just up from the village of Caldas de Lunas. I took the track until I was more or less under the huge boulder to be seen at a low point on the summit ridge, found a little rocky path leading down to the stream and from there up the most beautiful wildflower meadows, on grassy rakes more or less the whole way to the ridge. From there it was an easy walk to the summit, offering sensational views. With the weather looking like it was closing in, I reluctantly decided not to go on to the Three Marias and took an easy line, following a sheeptrod to the col and then another easy ridgeline down to a hut in the valley below, the beginning of the track left earlier. The route took exactly 4 hours starting from the hotel at Balneario de Caldas. Sensational scenery.


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