I was in Wodonga and saw that Rik VK3EQ was planning a couple of summits on Eskdale Spur. I made contact and arranged to join him and John VK3JSN. Rik drove. We headed to Lockhart Gap and headed south on Eskdale Spur Road. A couple of minor issues including a tree fallen across the road caused some delays. Wed rove to below the summit of Peak 1035 m AKA VK3/VE-130. We climbed up to the summit and activated. We climbed back down and retraced our route to the NW side of VK3/VE-144 Peak 957 m to park. We walked up through the scrub to the summit and activated. We returned to the car and drove to south of Lockhart VK3/VE-135. We again walked up through the scrub, this time in the rain to reach the summit and activated. We returned to the car and Rik dropped me at my car, parked at Lockhart Gap. Rik and John headed towards Mitta Mitta whilst I returned to Wodonga.

Other peaks climbed on this trip