Left home and drove to Neerim South and on to Noojee. Took McCarthy Spur Road to Boundary Track to just beyond the junction with Montane Road. parked near the large gate used for seasonal road closure and then scrub bashed up the hill to the summit. Activated SOTA summit VK3/VT-039 (Peak 939 m) with 8 contacts. Climbed back down to the car. Drove north on Boundary Track to Whitelaw Track, then east to pick up Forty Mile Break and on to reach Mount Horsfall. A short climb required to reach the trig. Found a spot to set up the radio gear (a marker post in the helipad area to the northwest of the trig) and activated VK3/VT-028 with 15 contacts. returned to the car and headed out to the east and found my way back through the tracks to Noojee and then back to home.

Other peaks climbed on this trip