Another trip to Wodonga. Drove to Swifts Creek and then around to Brookville Road and south to Carroll Track and worked my way around to Flagstaff Track. Rough in places.... Track improved past Hodges Track for a little way, then scrub encroached. Worked my way to the high point of the track near Peak 855 m, known in SOTA as VK3/VG-086. Walked through the scrub to reach the high point and then returned tot eh car. Set up the radio gear nearby, well inside the summit Activation Zone. I made 15 contacts before I switched off and packed up. Drove back the way I had come but took Hodges Track to exit, as it was in very good condition. I needed to open and close several gates. Once back at Brookville Road, I read the signs on the gate more closely. It appears that Hodges Track is public access, but drive carefully and leave the gates as you find them.
Travelled back into Swifts Creek and up to Omeo, then north to Hinnomunjie Bridge and on to Knocker Track and up to The Knocker.
parked near the trig and set up the radio gear nearby to activate VK3/VG-016, making 14 contacts. I packed up and resumed the journey to Wodonga via Mitta Mitta.

Other peaks climbed on this trip