Another day out from Wodonga. Headed out to the access road to Mount Big Ben and drove up to the summit. Walked away from the car and set up the radio gear to activate VK3/VE-105, making 26 contacts. Packed up and headed back along my access route, then north along Condons Track until I reached a locked gate with a Private Property sign. I parked nearby, then climbed north along the ridge to the east of the fence line, roughly following an old road reserve. Reach the summit of Peak 846 m, known in SOTA as VK3/VE168. I set up on the summit, making 22 contacts. Packed up and returned to the car. Drove back south to reach Dederang Road, then headed east to the Kiewa Valley Road (C531), then headed north to Kergunyah. Drove up Simpson Road and made my way around to near the summit of Peak 872 m. Parked off the track and set up the radio gear on the summit to activate VK3/VE-163, making 9 contacts. Packed up, returned to the car and retraced my route back to Kergunyah and then headed back to Wodonga.

Other peaks climbed on this trip