
2.7 mi to summit


1,576 ft start


no info yet


1 hr 2 min to summit

In addition to the hike on the forest road, the hike requires parking on Santiago Canyon Rd followed by a short but tedious climb up Modjeska Grade Road to reach the trailhead. However, while driving past the trailhead on Modjeska Grade Rd, I found a parking turnout suitable for three cars. Luckily for me, there were only 2 cards there, so I helped myself. This saved me a lot of paved road walking. Google Maps lists this trail as "The Luge Mountain Biking Trails". No doubt, as a hiker, I was a minority outdoor enthusiast there. Mountain bikers definitely dominate the scene, I just made sure to stay out of their way.

I stuck mainly to the forest road, but did veer off to a single track trail a few times to go up and down some trail side peaklets. This added a little variety to a treeless forest road walk. I continued past Peak 2400 on the way in so that I could make it to Vulture Crags first. When the trail flags across the chasm come in view (flags on a flag pole planted in the road), I left the road on the right and followed a faint cross country route to Vulture Crags. Some rock scrambling was necessary on the loose slope. I stood on a boulder overlooking the crags (which were just a few feet away). After photo and video taking, I returned to the forest road and retraced my steps to Peak 2400. A clearly visible use trail leaves the road and climbs up the side of the peak. A tall pole stands on the summit, along with a cement block that looked like it once had a benchmark on it. Afterwards, I continued down the opposite slope on the use trail and reconnected with the forest road, where it was a long walk back to where I parked.

Route to summit



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Key gear

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Other peaks climbed on this trip