
0.3 mi to summit

2.2 mi total


1,829 ft start

2,050 ft max


178 ft gain


17 min to summit

57 min total

After yesterday’s tough bushwhack/scramble along the steep bank of Nimblewill Creek, which is the northern base of Peak 2040 ft, I decided to try going over the peak and down the north side to find a better way to explore upstream, so I hiked solo on trail to the gap between Peak 2040 ft and Peak 1968 ft, then bushwhacked off trail up the east ridge to the southeast ridge to Peak 2040 ft. Going up was a light bushwhack, but coming down was a medium bushwhack through mountain laurel. When it got slippery steep and I had not seen the creek for the mountain laurel, I headed back toward the trail best I could without falling down the slope. Seeing bugs on the green leaves waiting to hitch a ride on an unsuspecting victim brushing by tells me this is the last bushwhack of the season.

Route name

Peak 2040 ft 2.6 mi route


routefinding, bushwhacking, blowdowns

Key gear

trekking poles