
4.4 mi to summit

8.3 mi total


9,275 ft start


2,243 ft gain


2 hr 27 min to summit

4 hr 42 min total

On a day that started with rain and had thunderstorm warnings, I was expecting a short outing. After the morning rain stopped, I headed for Minaret Summit, which conveniently has a parking lot. The San Joaquin Ridge Trail was accessed there. I walked the 4 wheel drive road all the way to Peak 10237. The trail drops from there to Deadman’s Pass and then climbs to a ridge high point. I continued on to Peak 10893. It was at that point that I took the thunderstorm warning seriously. Dark clouds and cloud bursts were all around. Even though the next peak up, Two Teats, was probably less than a mile away. Safety first. At least I know what to expect if I ever come back again.

Route to summit



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Key gear

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