
1.4 mi to summit

3.0 mi total


1,574 ft start

2,316 ft max


722 ft gain


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Started off 24 oF with a little bit of a wind. Climbing up the Wapack trail from Miller State Park, encountered ever increasing patches of ice on the granite slabs. Most could be stepped around, or so I thought! I moved off of the trail to let a quicker pair of hikers pass me, slid on the ice and took a tumble, snapping one of my hiking poles in the process. Only injury was to my pride. I donned the micro spikes and continued which was a good call because the ice became more of a hazard higher up on the mountain. Beautiful views at the summit; could see all the way to Mt. Washington. Descended the Marion Davis Trail which had far less ice, being eastern exposure and the sun had some time to work on the trail.

Route name

Wapack Trail


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Key gear

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