
3.9 mi to summit

6.6 mi total


7,511 ft start

10,704 ft max


3,675 ft gain


5 hr 44 min to summit

8 hr 0 min total

LVMC trip with 8 folks. I've taken the north canyon (L) route to McFarland at least 10x, and this was my 4th time coming down the N McF ridge. My main aim is to report on road conditions. My current preferred route is from the fenced ATV parking. The original HikingLasVegas road (reportedly) has a deep washout (which can be circumvented by taking a connector from Mud Springs Road.).
us95 , 36.5233996, -115.5475691
Fenced Parking, 36.4210964, -115.7307138
go-L-(SE), 36.3905688,-115.7184508
go-R-(South), 36.3844792, -115.7165411
go-R-(SW), 36.3950012, -115.718365
MudSpringsRoad, 36.4558566, -115.6826604
mudSprConnector, 36.4185275, -115.7052338
McFarConnector, 36.4292791, -115.6879175


no info yet

Key gear

no info yet

Other peaks climbed on this trip