
4.1 mi total


no info yet


725 ft gain


1 hr 48 min total

From Highway 62 in the town of Joshua Tree, go south on La Contenta (La Contenta turns to dirt) to Covington Flat Road (About 4.5 miles from Highway 62) to the Joshua Tree NP entrance sign. Right before reaching the sign, there is a dirt road to the left. Find a place to park here to begin climbing the unnamed road (which is actually named American Towers Rd). The gate is locked to prevent vehicles. The road leads to the towers on the summit. There are two high points on both sides of the towers. I made sure to make the easy climb to the top of both high points in order to eliminate any doubts that I reached the summit. Great views in all directions.

Route name

American Towers Rd.


no info yet

Key gear

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