
6.9 mi to summit

9.7 mi total


8,039 ft start

11,227 ft max


4,278 ft gain


10 hr 28 min to summit

12 hr 39 min total

We did the Mummy Head to Toe hike, which is a traverse over Mummy's Nose, Mummy's Forehead, Mummy's Chin, Mummy Mountain (Mummy's Tummy) and Mummy's Toe. There were a couple of short class 4 sections and some exposure during a traverse from the Forehead to Chin, but everyone did well. This was my first time trying the full traverse - I had been to each of these summits multiple times, but not all in the same day. When all was said & done, we did around 13 miles with about 5200 feet of gain, according to my Garmin GPSr. This would have been more fun if there wasn't so much damn smoke in the air!

Route name

Mummy Head to Toe


routefinding, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

helmet, GPS device