
3.6 mi to summit

14.8 mi total


8,055 ft start

11,512 ft max


4,748 ft gain


3 hr 53 min to summit

7 hr 3 min total

Finally felt like the snow has melted enough for the mummy traverse . I was 95% right , coming down mummy you can slide like 2-300 ft down through snow . I can’t imagine that snow is going anywhere anytime soon either , banks were still 6+ ft high I only brought 1L of water and was able to fill it up a couple times there are some real nice water sources along the way. Spooky corner is tame, coming down the forehead was the only real place I needed a couple minutes to figure out what to do , everything else was straightforward enough . More annoying steep sidehilling than I thought after the chin going to the tummy, but overall it was a good route . I rode my bike back to make it a loop. Also I’m no anatomy expert but why is the nose before the forehead ?

Route to summit



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Key gear

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