
0.0 mi to summit

0.9 mi total


10,053 ft start

10,119 ft max


122 ft gain


4 min to summit

1 hr 1 min total

Man, it's... it's been hard to talk about any of this. I didn't summit Rainier. A lot happened and I did make it to Camp Muir and I stayed the night there. Myself and my three companions did summit Muir Peak together before I headed back down the mountain. They stayed up at Camp Muir to attempt Rainier that evening (and they did not summit, but that's a story that I don't fully understand and I'll decline to even tell by hearsay). I was heartbroken and dejected. I also was sunburned as heck, which I later found out. I have learned so many lessons this season. And Rainier was incredible and in a way, I don't regret any of it. I learned so many lessons which I will take with me going forward. And I will believe in myself more next time, and be more prepared. Seeing the glacier was incredible, experiencing everything was just incredible, and I'm so glad I had this opportunity. Next time, I will bring my A game and hopefully be more successful. I can't control the mountain or the weather but I can control some other things, and that is my goal for next time. And in the meantime... I still got to experience wonder and beauty and spend a night on Rainier.

Route name

Muir Peak 0.9 mi route


rockfall/loose rock, snow on route

Key gear

no info yet