4.27.2021~Mount Roses Are Free & The Jingle Bells~Bird Spring Range, Cottonwood Valley, NV. 13 miles (10 miles Mtn Bike, 3 miles on foot) 2,200’ gain in 3:54hrs. Yesterday, I ran out of time (and water) to complete my peak hoarding in this area so I brought my horse and finished the last 2 peaks. Even though my Mtn bike has battery power, it’s 75lbs (I only weigh a buck $20) and it’s a beotch to handle (and not crash) on steep rough jeep roads such Cottonwood Valley Pass. This was a Primo Workout which offered quiet & solitude for days. The threatening storms in this lightning prone area tortured my mind but I was looking to get out of my comfort zone anyway. Mother Nature spared me but it got close. These peaks are a pain in the a$$ to get to but the rewards and views are well worth it. They both have received less than a handful of visitors in the last 6 years. I’m filled with gratitude for my powerful body and this majestic mountain range so close to were I live. There are secret, rarely used bike trails I’ve never seen before that flow along the ridges and into the valleys. Most folks cluster on the ones near the Hwy. If they only knew!....if I only knew....I now know.....2 days, 7 peaks, 30 miles, 6,200’ gain.

Other peaks climbed on this trip