The first day of daylight savings time. I drove to Mount Donna Buang and parked in the top car park. I walked over to the trig before setting up the radio gear at a picnic table to activate VK3/VC-002, making only 4 contacts - enough to qualify the summit, but to not spoil things for another amateur who arrived as I was making the contacts. I packed up and after chatting briefly with Ron VK3AFW, I headed back down to the Acheron Way and around to Road Eight to park.
I climbed up to the summit of Mount Ritchie and set up to activate VK3/VC-003. I made 12 contacts before packing up and returning to the car.
I then drove to the high point beside Mount Strickland. I set up to activate VK3/VN-030, making 15 contacts. I packed up and headed for home.

Other peaks climbed on this trip