
9.4 mi to summit

18.3 mi total


no info yet


5,000 ft gain


4 hr 30 min to summit

4 hr 30 min total

We enjoyed a great hike into the Flowed Lands on our way to Red and Cliff to earn our Winter Peaks 43 and 44. The walk to the Flowed Lands is a relaxing grade over 4.6 miles and crossing the ponds in winter was beautiful. After roughly 8.0 miles we reach the Red / Cliff herdpath junction and take the herdpath to red which gains ~ 1400' over 1.4 miles (longer than I remembered). From here we descended and crossed over to Cliff - a quicker climb of 650' over a mile but with significant ice on the cliffs which made it very tough. Once at the summit we made the decision to try the bushwhack back down as we did not want to navigate the ice covered cliffs and we were up for a fun challenge. The bushwhack was fun ... and tough, and scratchy and just as long as the trail hike (just in case someone thought it would be quicker). Avoiding the cliffs and completely a challenging bushwhack felt pretty good on the relaxing 4.6 mile hike out to the car. Great day!

Route name

Flowed Lands


snow on route

Key gear

crampons, snowshoes