
1.9 mi to summit

5.1 mi total


1,682 ft start

4,084 ft max


4,136 ft gain


2 hr 4 min to summit

3 hr 42 min total

Stayed in Stowe for the weekend with Tom. Decided to hike to The Nose of Mansfield since Tom had previously been to the highest point. This also gave us the chance to use our sleds on the way down. We hiked up the ski slopes to the summit of the resort, took us a minute to figure out how to gain the actual summit. We followed the toll road to the visitor's center and then made our way to the TV station and the actual summit of the mountain. On the way down we used our sleds to go down the ski slopes, going as fast as 19mph at one point in time. It was the most fun I've ever had descending a mountain.

Route name

Stowe Ski Slopes to Toll Road.


routefinding, weather

Key gear
