
8.0 km to summit


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2 hr 0 min to summit

4 hr 0 min total

We (all members of the Malaysian Mountaineering Assocoation) were allowed to spend a week or longer on the summit plateau. I summited more than a dozen peaks, Low´s Peak twice, it took me 4 hours from the trailhead and down (on aggregate as a test how I might fare on the annual climbathon in the veteran age group), because we had to first get our gear to the Layang Layang Hut. From there, after climbing Low´s Peak for the first time, we explored peaks on the Eastern Plateau such as the elusive North Peak, did several first climbs, most notably on the Phallus Peak and Andrews Peak (in rain). We ended our climbs amid bad weather and food shortage.

Route name

Timpohon Trail


weather, most days rain started after 9 a.m.

Key gear
