A rtip home after a few days in Wodonga. Drove to Mansfield and then Bonnie Doon and headed south and up to Proctor VK3/VN-019. Parked nearby and walked to the summit. Set up the radio gear nearby and made 6 contacts before packing up and returning to the car. Drove to Alexandra and then headed to Buxton and then Marysville. I drove up to Mount Strickland VK3/VN-030 and set up as close to the summit as the thick regrowth allows. Activated the summit with 5 contacts and then packed up. Drove back to Marysville and around to Mount Gordon VK3/VN-027. Set up at the summit and made 5 contacts. I then packed up and headed to Narbethong, Healesville and then for home.

Other peaks climbed on this trip