
6.2 mi to summit

13.9 mi total


589 ft start

3,835 ft max


3,585 ft gain


2 hr 8 min to summit

3 hr 53 min total

Survived a date with the Devil. Having only driven to the top many years ago, I had always hoped to get a chance to properly summit this puppy with a long climb from the base. Decided to start at Mitchell Canyon and hit Eagle Peak on the way up so could knock off 2 peaks from the SF Bay Area Classic Peak Challenge in one go.

When I think about the outing, it's water that stands out. I decided to forego carrying my water bottle and chugged it all in the parking lot. I usually use this "trick" for shorter trail runs so I don't have to carry anything and can run freely. But Diablo, as I should have realized, is just too long for this. The near 80-degree spring weather slowly sweated me dry on the long ascent. Not wishing to dawdle in dehydration, I stopped only for map checks on the climb up Eagle Peak and all the way to the circus maximus on the Diablo summit. Was grateful for the working water fountain at the top... and then even more grateful for the Gatorade and Snickers/M&Ms/granola bars for sale inside the visitors center. For those summit purists, be sure to tag the original summit bedrock preserved inside the visitors center (see photo).

Ran down almost the whole way, but at some point my legs really started to cramp. Had to walk a few stretches while I dreamed of chugging yellow and orange Gatorades. Totally underestimated the size of Mt Diablo State Park -- the miles seemed to string along for an absurd amount of time. This place is huuuuge. Stumbling into the finish back at the parking lot, I discovered another water fountain -- the best possible discovery at that moment. Finally, my Diablo thirst was quenched.


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