
6.3 km to summit

12.5 km total


2,238 m start

3,008 m max


761 m gain


4 hr 2 min to summit

7 hr 11 min total

Brendan and I took a rare free spot at Aster lake and a clear late season forecast to go climb Warrior and Cordonnier.
Hidden lake is dried up, which made for easier travel than the dreaded Hidden Lake trail. We had great warm weather and clear skies. The glacier traverse to the col was easily travelled, we did not uncover any crevasses and there was ~10 cm making to good travel. The ridge line to Warrior was mostly snow-clear with only a few patches that could have bee avoided. The traverse to Cordonnier looked snow, but luckily the places that mattered were snow free. I am not sure I agree with the rating of EASY for the traverse, there are a fre spots with exposure, the step at the end of the first slab felt a bit sketchy in a no-fall zone, and there were a couple of very narrow ridge with so-so rock quality. I think Moderate is a more reasonable rating. We did the alternate descent, which had snow in the gully which helped.
Joffre looked in not too bad shape, but the 'schrund would be an issue. The scramble alternative on the East ridge would be your best bet in these conditions.
If I counted properly, Warrior was my 175th unique summit in AB, and Cordonnier my 50th Kane scramble.


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