Drove up to the high point near Mount Toole-Be-Wong and parked near the radio site. Made my way through the bush to the summit. Returned closer to car to set up station and activate SOTA summit VK3/VC-033 with 6 contacts. Packed up, returned to car and headed towards Mount Bride.
Drove up to the high point of Burns Road. Walked up a walking track often used by motor bikes from the state of the track to the summit. Found a spot off the track to set up the radio gear. Activated SOTA summit VK3/VC-009, making 13 contacts. Drove around to Britannia Range Track and up to high point to park. Climbed up to the summit (not yet listed here), but returned to closer to the car to set up to activate SOTA summit VK3/VC-011 Britannia Range, making 7 contacts. packed up, returned to the car and then headed home.

Other peaks climbed on this trip