
3.2 mi to summit

4.5 mi total


5,623 ft start

8,490 ft max


3,404 ft gain


3 hr 1 min to summit

3 hr 28 min total

A new experience for the Prairie Dweller and I -- combine a mountain bike route with a climbing route! We saddled up the bikes at the Rattlesnake Recreation Trail 515 TH and worked our way up a moderate grade 15 miles to the Wilderness boundary -- stashed the bikes there and then continued to hike in a couple miles to set up basecamp. From our camp near trail 515, we climbed up to a bowl just to the south of McLeod Peak and then worked up to the main W/SW ridge and on up to the top. Weather was mostly dominated by nimbostratus clouds enveloping the ridge and peak area, with light rain showers and low visibility.

Route name

South Approach


routefinding, bushwhacking, weather

Key gear

trekking poles