
1.0 mi to summit

6.0 mi total


2,561 ft start

3,197 ft max


658 ft gain


1 hr 48 min to summit

3 hr 42 min total

Solo hike in Black Rock Mountain State Park on the James E. Edmonds Backcountry Trail, going up the East Fork and down the West Fork of the trail to Black Rock Lake. First peak Scrugg Knob was an off-trail bushwhack through rhododendrons. Second peak Marsen Knob was steep open forest off trail from Scrugg Gap then bushwhack through more rhododendrons to Gibson Gap. Marsen Knob features a vista from the peak over a rock face. Last two peaks had backcountry campsites with benches and bear boxes and Lookoff vista on the gap between.

Route name

Marsen Knob 6.0 mi route


bushwhacking, blowdowns

Key gear

trekking poles

Other peaks climbed on this trip