
3.3 km to summit

3.3 km total


1,959 m start


190 m gain


2 hr 50 min to summit

2 hr 50 min total

A circular walk on the limestone karst landscape on the Dachstein Plateau. We took the two-stage cable car up from Obertraun to the Krippenstein station. After admiring the view of the Dachstein range we descended on a broad track under the ski tows to a col on Trail 661. Diverting onto Trail 664, we continued in a south-easterly direction around the north flank of Margschierf to the shark sculpture and onwards to Heilbronner Kreuz. Heading north-west, we followed Trail 661 through the bare karst landscape. The trail was well-marked in the wilderness, taking a circuitous route over crags and avoiding crevasses in the limestone, involving a little easy scrambling. The trail bypassed the summit to its west, so while ALT waited for me, I took a detour to Margschierf's summit from the north. The route was pathless, but not difficult. After admiring the fine view as storm clouds gathered over the Dachstein, still in sunshine, I descended to rejoin ALT. Our walk continued to the Hoher Krippenstein. Hot, dry and sunny, but with more cloud later.


crevasse danger

Key gear

trekking poles, GPS device