
2.2 mi to summit

5.1 mi total


4,742 ft start

6,708 ft max


1,948 ft gain


2 hr 10 min to summit

5 hr 15 min total

Arizona P2K (26/73). One of the trip reports for this peak starts with, 'If you enjoy bushwhacking and not being able to see where you're planting your feet, this hike is for you!' that turned out to be pretty accurate. This ended up being one that I underestimated, my main worry going into it was the summit block right near the top. Wasn't thinking about everything up to and back from that point. Fighting with long grass, loose rocks, very steep slops and cat claw all the way up and down. This 5 mile 'hike' took over 5 hours to complete.
But once again the views made this one worth it!


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Hi Matt, I responded to your comment on my summit log, but I don't know if you actually see the reply. But here it is: Hi Matt, it's nice to hear from you. Here's my email: [email protected]. Can you email me your email address and I can send you a message then. Thanks, Zach