
16.5 mi to summit

34.8 mi total


9,940 ft start

11,420 ft max


5,507 ft gain


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Did this as a day trip from Horseshoe Meadows. 33 miles roundtrip in just a day!


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Key gear

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Good god, that's a long day. Whats the snow level there? Kern is on my list of reasonable early season peaks (though I would do this as an overnight!).


Oh it was a long day indeed. The snow levels when I started were about at zero. It snowed as I was leaving trail pass three inches. The parking lot was clear by the morning so if I doesn't snow any more I imagine it will be mostly clear by the weekend. Kern Peak itself only had snow fields more on the north side and they were navigable by boulder hopping. I was able to come down the south side just by walking.