
4.4 km to summit

9.3 km total


1,942 m start

2,767 m max


842 m gain


3 hr 15 min to summit

5 hr 8 min total

For Jimmy Junior, I took Nugara's suggested route which follows a drainage up from Bow Lake to a colourful tarn nestled below the summit. The scrambling was mostly right beside waterfalls which was fun, except for the first waterfall where the steep, hardpacked dirt was unpleasant and sketchy. I walked around the tarn and ascended more steep dirt slopes to the col between Mt Jimmy Simpson & Jimmy Jr. I checked out a few options for getting up the rock bands to the summit near the col, but the holds were loose and not to be trusted, so I traversed back around to the more easy direct route to the summit. If you are doing this summit, I recommend following the drainage up, and then taking the direct route from the tarn to the summit, rather than going via the col. On the way down there is a pretty good trail through the forest and back to Bow Lake.


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