
2.0 mi to summit

7.5 mi total


2,060 ft start

3,083 ft max


1,877 ft gain


1 hr 2 min to summit

2 hr 41 min total

This was my 1st day in California warming up for my upcoming ing Three Saints climbing days. I thought to come out and climb some peaks including the highest in Santa Monic mountains. It was a nice outing, meeting fellow hikers and climbing small peaks. Tri Peaks gave me some trouble. I couldn't quite reach the top because it was a pretty sketchy bouldering move which I didn't want to risk since I was by myself. I thought to skip it this time, I really didn't want to risk the rest of my trip.

Route name

Inspiration Point 7.5 mi route


no info yet

Key gear

no info yet

Other peaks climbed on this trip