
1.0 mi to summit

2.0 mi total


7,280 ft start


700 ft gain


1 hr 0 min to summit

1 hr 40 min total

From US-82, Village of High Rolls, turn onto a signed, West Side Road (FR-90) and proceed to the DRY CANYON TRAILHEAD (large brown forest sign). Do not confuse with the Upper Dry Canyon Trailhead which is also on West Side Road. At the Dry Canyon Trailhead turn off West Side Road onto a dirt road to another sign listing the various trails, including the "A" Mountain Trail. Sign says its 1/4 mile ahead. If you lack a high-clearance vehicle best to park and walk down the road. I drove the quarter mile down road which is a narrow, high-clearance road to a large brown forest sign - "A" Mountain Trailhead. The "A" Mountain Trail #119, is an old 4WD road and its obvious ATVs and other 4WD vehicles continue to use the road. To get to both Ortega and Hershberger Peaks, hike down the road. The user trail to Hershberger starts as (32.88421, -105.86238); is only about 3/10 mile from the TH . The user trail is not signed or marked but you can see a trail, it follows the Eastern ridge of Hershberger. Unfortunately there are multiple trails and along the way expect to hike up a ridge, drop back down before actually hiking up Hershberger. The hiking distance from the road is about 7/10 mile. It seems the summit has been turned into a descanso. Even has a BB gun.


routefinding, bushwhacking

Key gear

trekking poles, GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip