
6.1 km to summit

28.4 km total


1,336 m start

2,896 m max


2,697 m gain


2 hr 54 min to summit

14 hr 54 min total

Haiduk Peak was scenic but a bit of a sufferfest. Starting from the Floe Lake trailhead, we hiked 4 km up the Hawk Creek trail before descending to the creek and then ascending a drainage to the north peak of Hawk Ridge. We followed the ridge south over the next highpoint before dropping down into the valley and making our way across to ascend the ridge that connects to the Haiduk-Scarab col. This ridge turned out to be less straightforward than hoped, and to avoid numerous drop-offs we spent much of the ridge traversing around the right side. Eventually it connected to the col and we were rewarded with fantastic views over to the Banff side.
Getting to the summit involved a lot of boulder hopping and general exhaustion.
To return we dropped down into the south bowl and bushwhacked/sidehilled for what seemed like an eternity around a col above Hawk Creek. A steep dirt gully lead down toward the creek, after which we bushwhacked in the dark to the creek and back up to Hawk creek trail.
Most of the distance covered was hiking, with sections of moderate/difficult scrambing getting down from Hawk Ridge and find our way along the ascent ridge.


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