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Hackberry loop to Hackberry Mesa. At around the 2.3 mile mark of the Hackberry loop on alltrails, i took the trail eastward until hackberry mesa was directly north of me. I then began the climb up northwest until I reached the ridgeline and then followed the ridgeline to the summit. A lot of bushwacking and loose rock so had to take it slow especially because I was with a group of friends who have never off trailed before.

Personally, the views at the top were not worth it and I was fairly disappointed with the summit. But otherwise amazing time with friends, beautiful views throughout the actual trail, and even the ascent to the peak had stunning views. My friends however were ecstatic as they had never done something like this so it was an entirely new and exciting experience for them, which I was glad.

Route to summit



routefinding, stream crossing, bushwhacking, no water source

Key gear

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