2.6.2020~Fire Cliffs Highpoint, North Bowl of Fire LMNRA, 9 miles, 1,500’ gain in 3:18hrs, solo. The summit wasn’t very roomy. Eeeeek. Super Proud! I hammered the route and mostly ran because Jimmy has been on OT so I had to beat the clock to get the kids. Took a half hour to figure out which blob was the peak and plan and execute an ascent strategy. Was fun running in various terrain; washes, drainage gullies, faint use trail and the Jurassic sandstone labyrinth. No words can explain how magical it is here. The sandstone formations are monstrous, bizarre, Interesting and spectacular. If you have never been here, get it on your list and go before it gets too hot. Seems every peak with the word “Fire” in it is exciting and satisfying! I’m on a Fire tour now.