
4.1 mi to summit

8.5 mi total


1,699 ft start

3,933 ft max


3,275 ft gain


4 hr 23 min to summit

6 hr 35 min total

3.12.2022~The Raven, The Paragon, The Phoenix, 3,667’, Fire Junior, Fire Benchmark, 2,759’ & every lump in between, CW loop extravaganza. 8 miles, 4,000’ gain in 6:35hrs w/Erica & Kevin. Kevin invited me along and I couldn’t resist repeating this route. We tweaked it a little adding harder ascents and descents here and there along the way. Kevin added the registers. We modified my descent from Fire BM & took a ridge Down, to some points of interest, instead of the sloppy canyon I usually use. I always enjoy being in this rugged area of the Eastern Muddy Mtns. Good challenging hard work. Great day.
(Photo credit by Kevin Humes & Paula)


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II need to do this loop


I agree.